
PROLEXIA has developed serious games for education.


THALIA - the acronym of « Artificial Tunnel Boring Machine Initiation and Deepening» - is a software allowing to simulate the piloting of a tunnel boring machine (TBM) of Earth Pressure Type (EPB), mud pressure (Slurry) or Variable Density (VD) with an educational goal for training future pilots.

La Seyne's Former Shipyards

Augmented & Virtual Reality Visit of the Mediterranean Former Shipyards.

Deep-sea Mission

Deep-sea Mission is a Serious Game developed for the CCSTI by PROLEXIA as part of a co-production with Universciences, the "Cité de la mer de Cherbourg", Ifremer and Cap Sciences. This game allows the visitor to discover the technologies used for deep-sea exploration, but also biology, microbiology and underwater geology through 3 scenarios featuring missions by Ifremer scientists.


SEATCHER is a project launched by PROLEXIA in response to the call for projects e-Education launched as part of the support of "Investissements d'avenir". "SEATCHER-the game" is a serious game, that is to say an edutainment game, developed within the framework of this project.
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